Reactor Operator Training
Students at the University of Maryland have the opportunity to become licensed as Reactor Operators at the Maryland University Training Reactor and play a crucial role in operating and maintaining the MUTR. The Operator Training Program takes place over the course of approximately 14 months. Starting in August of each year, we will begin recruiting students for that years class. Students don’t need a background in nuclear science or engineering to join the program; the training will provide comprehensive training covering mechanical and instrumentation systems, nuclear science, operational procedures, radiation safety, and health physics.
If would like to participate, please fill out our Interest Form. We will then select up to 30 students to begin a 1 month introductory program in early October. This will include a weekly lecture and quiz covering such topics as an overview of the training program, nuclear reactors, reactor licensing and regulation, and radiation protection. During the introductory program, students will be sorted into small groups to perform a hands-on human performance activity using Snap Circuits. Students will also take a version of the Plant Operator Selection System (POSS) used at nuclear power plants. The POSS Test is a fast paced multiple choice test covering reading comprehension, mechanical concepts, mathematical usage, and figural reasoning. These activities are designed to reinforce the traits of a positive nuclear safety culture.
After the introductory program, we will interview interested students. These interviews, along with the results of the tests, quizzes, and hands-on activities, will be used by the staff to select up to 5 RO Candidates. In order to be selected, you must be able to commit to serve as a reactor operator for at least 1 year after receiving your license.
Training for RO Candidates will begin in December and requires a commitment of approximately 5 hours a week. Candidates will be expected to conduct reactor operations under the supervision of licensed operators, and participate in weekly Requal meetings with MUTR Operators covering Reactor Theory, Instrumentation and Control, Reactor Safety Systems, Reactor Procedures and Technical Specifications, and relevant regulations. Candidates will be required to prepare the presentations for these meetings in alternate weeks. Candidates will also take weekly quizzes.
In October, we will schedule licensing exams with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Students passing their exams will become licensed Reactor Operators for the Maryland University Training Reactor and will be a key part of our operations. Student operators earn $15/hour during training and once they are licensed.